This interactive story was based on two peace demonstrators – Howard Davidson and Jeff Berger

Howard Davidson was denied entrance into the military because of being a border-line diabetic, ultimately studying architecture at Penn State from 1964 to 1969. When he arrived in State College, a local chapter of S.D.S. was just forming. He signed up and did whatever he could to turn American opinion against the war in Vietnam. He was against U.S. policy, not the soldiers who were fighting. By participating in debates, forums, and peace demonstrations, Howard made his voice heard through peaceful actions, never resorting to violence. This included the 1965 Peace March in Washington and the 1969 Old Main sit-in. To this day, he believes that his involvement in the anti-war movement helped end the conflict. Years later, Howard turned to music, writing a song, entitled “She Came Running,” to tell the story of those napalmed by the military. He believes it is a time to heal old divisions.

Read Jeff's story

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